Bronte love’s going to the beach with her friends
Hi – hi! I am Bronte! Sometimes people think I’m a little too fidgety! Anyway, I love everything about the beach and would even live there if my Mum let me!
I reckon that the best job in the world would be one that meant I could always be in the water.
Oh, do you want to know how old I am? I’m 9. My birthday is in March, and my birthstone is an aquamarine. Aqua means water and marine means the sea.
So even my birthstone loves the beach! Hmm… what else should I tell you? Well, my best subject in school is Art but I work hard at Maths and English. My favourite colours are green and yellow, and my favourite food is Italian. I bet you thought I’d say seafood didn’t you?
I like collecting seashells, especially ones with holes in them, so I can make necklaces and wind chimes.
My bedroom is painted blue, and my pillows are in the shape of fish. My bedroom is filled with things I found at the beach. I have a massive cuttlefish collection, lots of interesting pieces of wood, and heaps of glass.
Mum thinks my bedroom smells funny, so I’m not allowed to collect seaweed anymore. Mum says I can’t leave the seaweed in the bath anymore either. Instead I leave it on the front verandah. Seaweed is better wet though. It goes a weird grey colour when it’s dry.

Amy love’s the outdoors and sports
Hi, I am Amy from Adelaide!
I love sport especially Netball, Soccer and Football. But when I grow up I’m going to be an actress. I think that would be so cool!
Where we live we are too far away from the country and too far away from the city.Stuck in the suburbs. Well, I guess the park is something.There are netball courts, and goals for soccer and football there. Oh! And I’m part of the junior netball team! We’re called the Pink Galahs. I practice all the time, so that one day I’ll be really good. I like to practice everything I do over and over again till it’s perfect.

Jasmine loves all sort of music
Um, hello! My name is Jasmine, except my friends call me Jas!
I live in Sydney but they live ages away from me. That’s ok though
because we e-mail each other all the time and sometimes we get to visit each other which is really exciting!
I play the violin and I love all sorts of music. On television from time to time they show concerts, but I’d like to see one live one day.
Another thing I like to do as well as play music is read. I would read an
entire library if I could! My favourite books are ones that have a
mystery, (maybe I’ll be a detective when I’m older!) and ones that make
me laugh. I have lots of books in my bedroom.
In my bedroom I have lots of posters of the concerts they went to see. When I turn 10 mum and dad promised to take me to see a live concert! I’m 9 right now, but my birthday is in a few months. Maybe I’ll be allowed to take Emily, Amy, and Belle with me! That would be wonderful!
It would be fun!

Emily loves taking care of the environment
G’day! My name’s Emily and I’m gonna be a Jillaroo someday
My favourite animals are horses, wombats, dogs, cats, wallabies and….. well, I guess I love ALL animals! Except maybe snakes. Urgh!
All my friends live ages away from me, and there aren’t many kids on the station my age. They’re either too old or too little.So, anyway I get to stay at my friends’ houses on the holidays, and sometimes they come to my house. And we keep in contact on the internet and with letters where they tell me all the adventures they’ve been having, and I tell them all the adventures I have.I love adventures! They are sneaky things… you have to go out and find them!
I don’t go to a school, I do home schooling, and there is a teacher who is on the computer who tells us what to do.
My mum is the station mechanic, so she fixes up the motorbikes and other vehicles when they break down.
Jay works on a motorbike, but Sarah works on a horse called Opal. I wanna be like her when I’m older.
She said that before you get to be a station hand you have to be a Jillaroo.
So that’s what I’m gonna do?

I’ve always known that I was Australian
Hello everyone! I’m Matilda
I have lived all over the place but at the moment I split my time between boarding school and my aunt and uncle’s cattle station as my parents are away overseas again.
I am learning fast that there is different kind of fun to be had in both places and I think it’s great.
I love history! Aussie history is the best—all those men in top hats and ladies in long, frilly dresses.
Oh and the explorers tramping over mountains to see what was on the other side—or looking for gold! That would be the best!
I also love clothes and dressing up. I love pretending to be someone else – it’s really romantic.
I suppose I love history and archaeology ‘cos my family is pretty old. No, dad’s not 90! But Mum’s ancestor, Mary Brenham, arrived on the First Fleet in 1788. She was a 13-year-old convict who stole stuffed petticoats (how do you stuff a petticoat?) cotton stockings, cloth, a cap etc. (She loved clothes too!)
What is really great about staying with them is that they have a daughter my age too – my cousin Emily. She teaches me about the station and I tell her stories from everywhere I have been.
The best thing about spending time on the station is that I get close to nature. I love animals – especially frogs. Some people think its weird for a girl to like frogs but they just seem magical to me. I am going to keep kissing them until one turns into something else!